Foot Pain in Seniors – Can be Painful

Foot care is sometimes overlooked, yet foot pain in seniors, when it occurs, can be painful and agonizing. Everything in our body ages.

There is no downplaying that fact. However one organ determines the level of mobility and independence of seniors and the elderly. This is the foot.

We generally tend to focus on the “big ticket” items that are first noticeable as we age – vision, hearing loss, mobility, changes in memory and cognitive health – and only start to worry about our feet when they begin to scream for attention.

This article focuses on reviewing the causes of foot pain in seniors and provides some simple remedies.

Understanding the Human Foot

To better address questions such as “What causes foot pain in the heel?, “What causes pain in the side of the foot?” and “What causes pain in the arch of the foot?” – among others, a brief overview of foot structure and function is necessary.

This will help us understand pain “touch points” that may be experienced in the foot.

The human foot is subjected to extremely heavy use throughout life and it plays a key role in carrying our body weight along with other things we may carry.

It is our only source of contact with the ground and aids mobility and balance.

Foot Pain In Seniors
The Bones and Muscles in the Human Foot

When we walk, the foot adapts to uneven surfaces (sometimes experiencing minor trauma), contributes to shock absorption and helps to propel the body forward.

When there is foot pain, there may be difficulty walking, balance may be impaired, increased risk of falls could occur and there could be a loss of independence if untreated.

The human foot, though small, is a strong and complex “machine” made up of 26 bones, 33 joints and over a hundred muscles, tendons, and ligaments that work together to create motion.

The foot is subdivided into the hind foot, the mid foot, and the forefoot:

  • The hindfoot is made up of the ankle bone) and the heel bone).
  • The five irregular bones of the midfoot, form the arches of the foot which serve as a shock absorber. The mid foot is connected to the hind- and fore-foot by muscles
  • The forefoot is made up of five toes and the corresponding five adjoining long bones forming the metatarsus.
  • The instep is the arched part of the top of the foot between the toes and the ankle

Foot Pain In Seniors And Aging Feet

Foot Pain In Seniors
Skin on the Soles of the Feet Become Thinner and Wrinkle

As feet grow older, they become less able to sustain the same level of “abuse” and activity we subjected them to when we were younger.

Due to weakening in the bones (See a previous article –, thinning of the skin, and wear and tear of the joints, the feet lose some of their strength.

The fatty pads underneath the foot which act as a shock absorber also become thinner, causing the feet to spread as we get older.

This is the reason why shoe size and fitting slightly change with age.

Loss Of Muscle Mass And Weakness Of The Bones

There is a reduction in muscle strength, while bone weakness, in extreme cases, may become fragile (osteoporosis).

Skin Becomes Less Durable

The skin becomes thinner, its elasticity decreases, less fat is stored which reduces the cushioning effect, especially in the sole of the feet, causing it to be more sensitive to pain and prone to the formation of calluses.

These factors also make the skin more vulnerable to injury taking longer to heal, while dry skin and cracked heels are common.

Decreased Elasticity Of The Tendons Can Cause Foot Pain in Seniors

Foot Pain In Seniors
Poor Blood Circulation Causes Swollen Feet

The foot is less able to absorb impact because of the of reduced elasticity of the tendons that hold the arches together.

The bones articulating at the joints wear with aging as they continuously rub against each other during motion, now making the feet less flexible

Poor Blood Circulation In The Feet Causes Foot Pain In Seniors

Poor circulation may be caused by a sedentary lifestyle common with many older people.

It could also be caused by aging because of the stiffening and slight narrowing of blood vessels, obesity, smoking, diabetes and blood clots.

Symptoms of poor circulation in the feet such as increased swelling of the lower legs and feet, must be immediately reported to a doctor as they could be serious if left untreated.

Changes To The Toenails May Cause Foot Pain in Seniors

Toenails usually become thicker and more brittle with age. Fungal infection of the toenails can also cause toenail thickening.

Why Do My Feet Hurt More As I Get Older? – Some Remedies

The major risk factors for developing foot pain are increasing age, higher frequency in women, poorly fitting footwear, obesity, depression and common chronic conditions such as diabetes and osteoarthritis.

Menz (2016) identified that the most commonly reported foot problems by older people were corns and calluses, nail disorders and toe deformities.

Dry Skin

Because of the tendency for dry skin, itching and burning sensations may occur. Using moisturizers with petroleum jelly or lanolin is helpful.

Wearing Improperly Fitting Footwear Causes Foot Pain in Seniors

In normally aging feet, the majority of foot pain is caused by poor footwear. While there are simply remedies that can be applied, if the condition persists, always consult your doctor.

Corns and Calluses

These are areas of hardened skin formed in reaction to the friction caused by wearing poorly fitted or tight shoes.

Corns usually form on the top or side of the big or little toes,  or on the top of the other toes.

Calluses form on the surface of the bottom part of the foot. Anyone who has ever had them can testify as to how extremely painful they can be!

Soaking the feet in warm water and carefully paring them down with a pumice stone may provide some relief. Consult your doctor for other safe methods of removal.


Are a bony protrusion at the base (side) of the big toe commonly caused by wearing shoes with aShoes

pointed forefoot or wearing high heels that force the toes too far forward in the shoes.

Wearing more appropriate footwear can correct this protrusion in its early stages. In more advanced stages, consult your doctor as surgery may be required.

Heel Spurs

The cause of heel spurs can be a muscle or ligament strain (or both) in the foot.

Connecting the heel and ball of the foot is a long band of tissue, and when it gets stretched too much, heel spurs can result.

When this happens calcium deposits build up on the underside of the heel bone over a period of time.

Heel spurs can also appear when the membrane covering the heel bone is worn away by shoes that don’t fit correctly.

This puts too much pressure on the feet by being overweight or an imbalance in the way of walking.

Consult your doctor. Temporary relief can be provided by using additional support such as heel pads.

Morton’s neuroma

This is caused by wearing shoes that are too tight which squeeze on this enlarged nerve. This occurs more frequently in women than in men and can cause burning, tingling or numbness on the ball of the foot or even between the toes.

Wearing more comfortable shoes should rectify this but if it fails to do so, consult your doctor


These arise from wearing improperly sized shoes. When a toe does not have room to move, the knuckle can swell and draw the toe back. Hammertoes are especially troublesome for seniors because theywoman shoe

can affect balance and increase the risk of falls. Remedy is to wear socks and shoes that allow ample space for the toes.

Plantar fasciitis

This is the inflammation of tissue in the band of tissue supporting the arch of the foot resulting in excruciating heel pain, It can be caused by wearing shoes with inadequate heel cushioning as well as by arthritis.

Ingrown toenails

Occur when the corner or side of a toenail grows into the soft flesh of the toe (usually the big toe). It can cause a sharp or throbbing pain, swelling and redness of the toe.

Regular careful trimming across of the nail to be even with the top of the toe usually helps to prevent future occurrence. If the ingrown toenail looks red and infected, consult the doctor

Athletes Foot

This is a fungal infection which loves warm, dark moist areas such as in your foot when it is housed in moist socks in shoes.

It can be prevented by keeping the feet clean and dry, and occasionally airing the feet by wearing open-toe sandals but may require fungal treatment if not quickly addressed.

Other Causes of Foot Problems in Seniors

There are several additional causes of foot pain induced by disorders like diabetes, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and even congestive heart failure which can lead to nerve pain, weak and painful joints, and swollen feet. These disorders are discussed in a separate article.

General Protective Measures for Aging Feet

Foot Pain In Seniors
Comfortable Wide Toe Velcro Shoes

Take Calcium and Vitamin D for Bone Health.

The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF 2020) recommends:

Wear Comfortable Shoes That Fit

These should be shoes which are not too stiff or rub against the feet making them sore.

Because feet tend to spread with aging, wide toe and velcro fastening shoes provide the ultimate relief. Socks and stockings should also be the right size.

Pay Attention to Foot and Skin Care

Exercise Regularly and Maintain a Healthy Diet

This will improve blood circulation to the feet

In Conclusion

Regular moisturizing, exfoliation of hardened skin, regular inspection and trimming of the nails are recommended.

The majority of pain associated with aging feet experienced by seniors and the elderly are related to wearing incorrectly sized footwear. Foot spreading as we age means that shoe size must constantly be checked.

Seniors should avoid being overweight to prevent additional pressure on the feet causing further foot pain. Any underlying health issues should always be managed by a doctor.

If you liked this article, or have an experience to share, kindly engage by leaving your thoughts in the Comment Box below.

Related Articles

Velcro Shoes in Seniors. Do not Need to Be Ugly

The Causes of Osteoporosis. Am I a High Risk?

Selected References

1. H. B.Menz (2016) Chronic foot pain in older people

2. Elderly Foot Care (2020)

3. Foot Problems in the Elderly and Fall Risk (2020)

4. M. Harding (2018) Ageing Feet.

5. C. Woolston (2019)

6. What Causes Heel Spurs? (2020)

18 thoughts on “Foot Pain in Seniors – Can be Painful”

  1. Hi Ceci
    Thanks for this in-depth article. I used to wear ridiculous shoes when I was younger but nowadays am in flats. (It also helps that my husband is shorter than me and does not like me to be taller in heels!) I have a sore ankle these days after walking 3 miles or so. I am doing calf raises to strengthen it so hopeuflly it will recover soon.

    • Hi Jean,

      Thanks for the read and your comment. I relate to you in wearing the most ridiculous high heels when younger and even until recently in my corporate role. The transition to flats or semi flats was really not easy for me and my foot was sore for a long time. I really wish I knew all this then..

      Hope your sore ankle heals soon.
      Take care,


  2. Very interesting article and have actually made a note of it, keep up the good work and im sure things will work out good 🙂
    The size and structure to this article I do love.
    Jason 🙂

    • Hello Jason,

      I’m so glad that you found value in this article enough to make a note of it. Do stop by again for more interesting articles on aging.


  3. Very informative article not just for seniors also for the young ones. Good tips too! I will put to use for my dry feet 😀

    • Glad you found value in the post TumaW. I totally agree with you that the tips apply to all ages. If you don’t take care of your feet while young, you will find them giving you agony in later years. Thanks


  4. We are grateful for an article such as this. You draw our attention to something well-neglected but crucially important for our well-being. Thank you for the remedy. I thought you had some shoe Business where you could send your readers.
    Again THanks

    • Hi Charles,
      Mighty glad you found value in this article. My motto is “take care of your feet, and you can wear the shoes you love as long as you want – even into the senior years!”


  5. I have never come across an article that explained so much and so well in such a short article. I have a sister that specializes in elderly foot care now that she retired from a Nurse.

    Anyone that have feet problems should see someone that specilazes in the foot care because they check your feet and keep them in a healthy conditions. Since the pandemic has become quiet in her area she is requested to get back to tending those feet that are in desperate need of attention.

    Great article and advise for looking after your own feet. Thanks for sharing.

    • Hi Rick,
      Absolutely, anyone who has foot problems really needs to get medical assistance. It does help if you know that you don’t have to manage the pain that accompanys some of these issues in silence. Ignoring the pain can have have consequences especially in the case of sever conditions.
      Thanks for stopping by the site.


  6. Hi, Oh the feet, Since I’m young I had problem with my feet. Well mostly only one foot. My left foot is bigger than the right one. Reading your post there’s so much information I think I’m going to start taking care of myself.


    • Please start taking care of yourself Line – you have only one life to live and you most certainly would want to live a quality life in your senior years.


  7. Hi Ceci,
    I have bookmarked some of your articles for my Dad to read. He loves the clarity that you bring to everyday problems that elders have. Pleasing him is one big job. And therefore, my compliments.
    My Mom has had this problem of her smaller toes paining due to walking around. I have bought her a nice comfy pair of shoes recently, and she says it’s better now.

    • Glad your Dad finds my articles helpful. Perhaps you can also encourage him to subscribe to my email list so he can receive notification of new articles and some tips and tricks.


  8. Great article and very informative. I am retired now but spent many years working in a nursing home and you are correct that properly caring for our feet when we are younger can certainly help avoid any potential problems as we age. Improperly fitting shoes is a common cause of falls in the elderly and one that can easily be prevented if we take the time to ensure our ageing relatives have comfortable well-fitting shoes to wear.
    Proper foot care is even more important for anyone who has diabetes.


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