The causes of sudden hearing loss in one ear are varied. Anyone with sudden hearing loss in one ear or both ears should treat it as a medical emergency and immediately see a doctor.
This is because sudden hearing loss could be a warning sign of potentially underlying conditions.
This article is not intended to offer a medical opinion on the subject of the causes of sudden hearing loss, but rather, to provide information.
This quick 101 summarizes a review of the plethora of some currently available information (83 documents) cross-referenced to articles from major contemporary medical organizations listed in the reference section below.
Possible Reasons for Sudden Hearing Loss – Interruptions in the Pathways of Sound
Sound received by your ear can be interrupted in three ways, with any of these potentially resulting in some form of hearing loss. While the scientific terms for these interruptions appear complicated, they can be easily explained.
- Conductive – The incoming sound is blocked from reaching the sensory structures for hearing in the inner ear.
- Sensorineural – The incoming sound does reach the inner ear, but for some reason or the other, it cannot be converted into nerve impulses and carried to the brain.
- Mixed – This involves possible combinations of both conductive and sensorineural pathways described above.

What Are the General Causes of Hearing Loss?
The commonest causes of hearing loss are , noise, accumulation of earwax, ear infections, and age-related. There are also other less known causes.
Noise louder than 85 decibels(dB) can cause hearing loss if exposure continues over a period of time (NIDCD 2018, Merck Manuals 2020).
A previous article provides details: The Best Hearing Aids for Seniors – Degrees of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss caused by noise may be gradual or sudden. When it is due to extreme noise exposure, it is referred to as acoustic trauma. It usually disappears within a day, unless there is damage to the eardrum, middle ear or inner ear or, it could result in ringing in the ears (tinnitus).
Accumulation of Earwax and Ear Infections
The most treatable cause of hearing loss especially among older people is the accumulation of earwax in the ear passage. Ear infections, on the other hand, are generally more common in children.
Aging, along with noise exposure and genetic factors will limit your ability to hear the higher frequencies of sound more than the lower frequencies.
Other Causes
Additional less common causes of hearing loss are- injuries, tumors, autoimmune disorders, congenital disorders and drugs which can damage the ear (ototoxic drugs).
Causes of Sudden Hearing Loss in One Ear – Some Terms Explained
As always, we will begin with brief explanations of some terms you will encounter in this article on the causes of sudden hearing loss:
Ringing in the ears usually caused by damage to the tiny sensory hairs in the inner ear.
Sudden Sensorineural Hearing loss (SSHL)
This is an unexplained, rapid loss of hearing, usually in one ear, either at once or over several days (Hearing Loss Association of America – HLAA 2017).

People with SSHL often discover the hearing loss upon waking in the morning. This can be quite disconcerting!
Other people affected may first notice it when they try to use the deafened ear as in use of the phone (NIDCD 2018).
SSHL occurs because there is something wrong with the sensory organs of the inner ear. SSHL can affect people of all ages, although it tends to occur mainly in those between the ages of 50 and 60s.
In the United States there are about 66,000 new cases of SSHL per year (Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, August 2019 cited by the Harvard Medical School Health Publishing).
This number may be a low estimate since the condition tends to be under diagnosed because it is not viewed as a serious problem. Consequently, medical care is usually not sought because of the belief it could be due to allergies, sinus infection or earwax blockage.
Most publications reviewed were of the opinion that such delays increase the risk of permanent hearing loss.
A false sensation of spinning or moving is a truly disconcerting experience. Your head feels light and you think you are about to fall down. Sitting down and closing your eyes for a few minutes is helpful.
Hearing Loss on One Side
Also called Single Sided Deafness (SSD) or Unilateral hearing loss (UHL) is a type of hearing impairment where there is normal hearing in one ear and impaired hearing in the other ear.
Possible Reasons for Sudden Hearing Loss – Interruptions in the Pathways of Sound
Sound received by your ear can be interrupted in three ways, with any of these potentially resulting in some form of hearing loss. While the scientific terms for these interruptions appear complicated, they can be easily explained.
- Conductive – The incoming sound is blocked from reaching the sensory structures for hearing in the inner ear.
- Sensorineural – The incoming sound does reach the inner ear, but for some reason or the other, it cannot be converted into nerve impulses and carried to the brain.
- Mixed – This involves possible combinations of both conductive and sensorineural pathways described above.
Sudden hearing loss is moderate to severe hearing loss that develops over a few hours, or is noticed on awakening ( Merck Manuals March 2020).
Such hearing loss typically affects only one ear unless caused by drug use. Depending on the causes of sudden hearing loss in one ear, people may have other symptoms such as tinnitus, or vertigo.
It is estimated that about 1 in 5,000 to 1 in 10,000 people each year develop sudden hearing loss.
3 Other Reasons for Sudden Hearing Loss
Aside from interruptions in the pathways of sound, there are 3 other reasons for sudden hearing loss.
Unknown Causes
Only 10 % of people diagnosed with SSHL have an identifiable (NIDCD). Some just wake up to it. No cause can be found for most, although doctors have several theories.
These include viral infections, autoimmune reaction or blockage of the small blood vessels of the inner ear or its nerves
A Specific and Obvious Event
There are generally four types of these events
- Head injury
- Severe pressure changes which may occur with diving. It can occur less often by bearing down during weight lifting causing a hole to form between the middle and inner ear.
- Use of drugs that have damaging side effects to the ears.
- Infections during or immediately after acute illness.
An Underlying Disorder
These include tumor of the auditory nerve (acoustic neuroma), neurological disorders (multiple sclerosis) or disorders of the inner ear (Meniere disease).
Other conditions could be blood circulation problems such as blockage of a branch of the artery that goes to the center of the brain that manages balance.
Treatment of Sudden Hearing Loss – What Should I Do?
You must treat ANY indication of sudden hearing loss as a medical emergency and seek medical care IMMEDIATELY. Why? There is usually only a very brief window to seek treatment before permanent damage is done.

Do not try to self medicate with cold or sinus medicine, cleaning your ears or using swimmer’s ear drops as these could worsen the situation. It is better to be safe than sorry!
Only A Doctor Can Recommend Treatment
Only a doctor can recommend treatment of sudden hearing loss after conducting several diagnostic tests.
Many doctors may prescribe oral cortisone steroids. While these have been found to be helpful for some cases of sudden hearing loss, it is not a blanket remedy.
It is only a thorough examination that will identify the appropriate treatment to be administered on a case-by-case basis.
Conclusion – Causes of Sudden Hearing Loss in One Ear
Have you or anyone you know experienced known reasons for sudden hearing loss before? Share your experience in the comment box below.
Related Articles
- Top Rated Hearing Amplifiers – How Useful Are They?
- How to Choose Hearing Aids. Do You Need Amplifiers?
- The Best Hearing Aids For Seniors – Degrees of Hearing Loss
What are the common causes of sudden hearing loss in one ear?
Common causes include viral infections, autoimmune disorders, inner ear problems like Meniere’s disease, acoustic neuroma (a non-cancerous tumor), head trauma, or vascular issues affecting blood flow to the ear.
Is sudden hearing loss in one ear reversible?
In some cases, treatment can restore hearing, especially if addressed promptly. Treatment options include corticosteroids, antiviral medications, or addressing underlying conditions. However, outcomes vary depending on the cause and individual factors.
When should I seek medical attention for sudden hearing loss in one ear?
Seek immediate medical attention if you experience sudden hearing loss, as prompt diagnosis and treatment can improve outcomes. Don’t delay, especially if accompanied by dizziness, ringing in the ear, or other concerning symptoms.
Sudden Deafness NIDCD Hearing and Balance (2018):
Sudden Deafness (2017). HLAA.
Hearing Loss – Symptoms and Causes (2019). Mayo Clinic.
Lawrence R. Lustig (March 2020). Hearing Loss. Merck Manuals.,-nose,-and-throat-disorders/hearing-loss-and-deafness/hearing-loss
Now hear this: Don’t ignore sudden hearing loss (Dec 2019). Harvard Medical Health Publishing.
Lawrence R. Lustig (March 2020). Sudden Hearing Loss. Merck Manuals,-nose,-and-throat-disorders/hearing-loss-and-deafness/sudden-hearing-loss
This article has been very helpful about sudden hearing loss, i work in a noisy environment and we normally go for audio check every six month in as much as we use personal protective hearing protections.
but with this article i have learnt that sudden hearing loss is also possible. good job
Thanks for reading this article Ibrahim. I’m glad I was able to provide some value.
We live in a world where we have become accustomed to noise. Some of the normal everyday noises we experience are above the acceptable threshold of 85dB. I am happy that your employer provides you with PPE and regular audio checks.
Hello Cece I found your article on sudden ear loss very informative and helpful. I was surprised that build up of earwax is one of the causes but it makes sense.You have saved us a lot of time by presenting an article the way you have. I will definitely be coming back to this helpful website. Thanks
Hi Mark,
Glad you found value in the article. The idea is certainly to save people time so that they don’t have to wade through the internet looking for bits and pieces of this information.
Thanks for stopping by the website and I certainly look forward to you doing so again!
Hi Ceci,
Thanks for this article, it’s very helpful!
I’m in my mid-thirties, but I’ve suffered with single ear hearing loss throughout my life.
My most common cause is excessive ear wax buildup – it’s a nuisance way of losing hearing because it’s such a gradual build-up that I often don’t notice it until all of a sudden I can’t hear anything. In the UK most doctor’s won’t treat ear wax build-up and I’ve had some very bad experiences with over the counter treatments. I have found increasing the fatty acids in my diet seems to help keep the wax a bit less dry making it easier for my body to clear naturally – but this is, of course, just anecdotal evidence (I now supplement with Omega 3, 6 and 9).
I also took up a new sport around this time last year, paddleboarding. What I hadn’t realised, until the second time I ended up with single ear tinnitus, is the dangerous decibel level achieved when releasing the air from my inflatable paddleboard and me turning my head to avoid the air stream in the face – ear protection is now a must for this! It just makes so much sense now that I think about it!
Thanks again for this article!
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for sharing about your single ear hearing loss. I personally suffer from non-debilitating tinnitus – a most annoying condition which I write about in another post (
I have found that most over the counter treatments for ear wax are not very helpful. I will certainly research into the use of Omega supplements and post my findings in the very near future.
Thanks for stopping by and hope you do so again!
Hi Ceci and thank you for an informative article on which topic affects a lot of people in one way or another. I expect that the population that is growing up today will suffer more from hearing loss than before.
I am myself suffering from tinnitus due to my profession as a helicopter pilot in the armed forces, but thank god it is not affecting me very much at the moment. But, it is definitively present all the time. I have also permanent damage to the right ear on one specific frequency, which i do not hear.
The article is underlining serious causes to the sudden loss of hearing, which should be known by everybody. It is important information.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks for reading this article Roy.
You might be intereseted in reading another one of my articles on Tinnitus –
I too suffer from non-debilitating tinnitus – also brought on by several years of travelling on various sizes of airplanes and helicopters in my regulatory role in the Oil and Gas industry….
Stay tuned for more upcoming topics.
Great article,I learnt a lot about hearing loss that was pretty foreign to me before.I now know that sudden hearing loss is a reality.thanks for the important info shared!
Glad to have been able to inform you on this important topic.
Very informative article on a subject that my knowledge is non-existent. I would to thank you for this nice review. Keep up the good work.
Glad to have been able to educate you on this topic.
A very informative article on the subject, thank you! My Father has deafness in one ear after a mild stroke ue had a about 10 years ago. He has Tinnitus and Vertigo sometimes too, is there a treatment for this ?
Sorry to hear about the situation with your father Mohammed,
I include a link to another article of mine on Tinnitus which you might find useful – There are a couple of other articles you may also find useful.
I myself suffer from tinnitus (as you will read in that article) and unfortunately, as I found during my research, there is no cure for it. There are however things you can do to manage it – such as avoiding those things that can trigger an increase in intensity. To do this will require careful monitoring for some time with a process of selective elimination. My triggers are stress, coffee and carbonated soda.
I have suffered from vertigo a handful of times and my doctor related it to stress (possibly linked to my tinnitus), but as you know everyone is different.
Has your father spoken to your doctor about his tinnitus and vertigo? I recommend you do, so they can help him with management. Some serious sufferers also use “white noise”
Hope this helps and stay tuned for more upcoming articles.
Comprehensive article that broaden my knowledge on sudden hearing loss. I haven’t come across anyone in my circles with this yet, except my father in law who can’t hear properly in general due to old age. But sometimes he hears quite well and seems like he can hear better with low pitch. Any idea how best to improve communication?
Glad to have been able to broaden your knowledge Richard.
There are 5 degrees of hearing loss. Check out my article – which explains why your father in law is able to hear low pich sounds better. Another article you might find useful is one on the selection of an affordable hearing aid –
My suggestion is that you should take your father in law for an ear test to identify his degree of hearing loss as this will determine treatment – whether he requires an amplifier or a hearing aid etc. I really cannot tell you which one. Once you know this, check back as I am currently testing out different brands.
Stay tuned. Thanks for visiting!
Hearing loss sounds scary, particularly when I’ve had sinus issues and occasionally suffered from vertigo.
I’m becoming more conscious of not using a headphone for long period. I hope that reduces the chance of losing my hearing ability.
Thanks for the resource.
Hi Kenny Leee,
You are making a really smart choice of not using your headphone for long periods. You may not immediately see the impact of the damage caused until you are geting on in years.
You might also be surprised to learn that some everyday sounds we take for granted such as the lawn mower, movie theater, concerts, sports events etc are actually all above the acceptable threshold for noise. I was just as surprised myself. Check out the infographic player in my article to listen to these sounds and check out their decibels (loudness) –
Hi Ceci, A very interesting article, I was not aware that a person could just suddenly loose their hearing over night but will take note of this.What has just happened to me is that about 3 weeks ago I woke with Vertigo, what a terrible feeling, been to the doctor, not much help there. Now three weeks later it has just about gone. Do you any idea where it came from?
Regards Barry
Hello Barry,
Vertigo is indeed a horrible feeling as you rightly deduced. That sickening sensation of everything around you spinning endlessly is something I have personally experienced a handful of times myself. My doctor told me it was caused by my stress at the time possibly linked to my tinnitus. Lying down and closing my eyes seemed to help until the sensation passed on.
I am really amazed at the number of people who have left me comments about vertigo and I will most certainly conduct a deep dive research to better understand this for a future article. So, stay tuned.
Thanks for visiting.
hello Ceci.,
It is heartening to note that there are tried and tested methods to deal with deafness or hearing loss as we grow older. It is indeed a problem and I have noticed a lot of times that my Mom doesn’t seem to hear very well now, though I earlier thought that she was ignoring me.
Thanks for this enlightening article.
Yes, it is so true that hearing loss is usually not detected until sometimes significant damage may have been done. This is because we blame it on other things eg you thought your Mum was ignoring you. Please take her to the doctor for a checkup.