Gifts For The Hearing Impaired – What You Need To Consider

Getting gifts for the hearing impaired that your loved one will truly thank you for should address the functionality that will enhance their quality of life. This means that you can get creative outside the standard warm fuzzy socks or classic blankets.

Gift ideas for the hearing impaired include alarm clocks, doorbells, medical alert bracelets, and smoke detectors. You may not have even thought of some of them.

This article presents a line-up of top rated items in each category with review ratings above 4.2.

DOOR BELLS – Gifts for Hearing Impaired Seniors

Only products that are expressly stated as being for the hearing impaired were considered.

Door bells for the hearing impaired come as plug-in or standalone models with built-in strobe lights.

SadoTech Wireless Doorbell – Model C, Battery Operated Doorbells w/ 52 Chimes & 4 Volume Settings

SadoTech Wireless Doorbell

Durable, waterproof and weatherproof to withstand the elements; comes in 9 colors. It has an LED indicator, 4 volume settings, and a silent mode for quiet hours. This doorbell remembers your settings and retains chime and volume configurations if unplugged and even during power outages. The system is expandable and is a very popularly rated doorbell.

SECRUI Wireless Waterproof Mini Doorbell – Battery Operated – 5 Volume Levels Door Bell Chime and Colorful LED Flashing-White

Secrui Wireless Waterfroo Mini Doorbell

This wireless doorbell is great for the elderly and hearing impaired. 58 premium chimes and 5 volumes. 7 color LED light indicator on the plug in receiver flashes when the transmitter is pressed and a signal is received.

They alert those with impaired hearing or when the doorbell sound is temporarily unwanted. Long-distance remote control with anti-interference operates distances up to 1000ft in open and barrier-free environment. Most popularly rated doorbell

Coolqiya Wireless Doorbell with 2 Remote Button and 3 Plugin Receiver, No Batteries Required

Coolqiya Wireless Doorbell

Stereo speaker with 58 different ring tones. A 5 level volume control with a blue LED flash indicator is perfect for the hearing impaired or deaf, while the transmitter allows the senior or visitors to leave message.

No batteries required for the receiver, simply plug into your socket and begin to use.

Medical Alert ID Bracelets – Good Gifts for the Hearing Impaired

Luluadorn Red Medical Alert ID Bracelet for Men and Women – Great Gifts for the Hearing Impaired

Luluadorn Red Medical Alert ID Bracelet for Men and Women

Designed to be highly visible to emergency responders, but also with elegance in mind. This is a stylish medical alert bracelet that is stylish. Comes in 3 colors – Black, Red and Blue.

Your medical ID bracelet provides quick recognition of your medical conditions, which leads to faster and proper care in the event of an emergency situation. Most first responders and medical personnel are trained to look for medical ID’s during emergencies

Blue Silicone Rubber Medical Awareness Alert Bracelet

Blue Silicone Rubber Medical Awareness Alert Bracelet

Medical Grade Silicone, Hypoallergenic

The printing is resistant to oil and water. Can be worn anywhere.

Alarm Clock Idea Gifts for the Hearing Impaired

Seniors with hearing impairment due to aging desire to enhance their quality of life by remaining independent and functional. This is quite understandable. My mother never fails to remind me that she is not a child!

Being able to get up when they need to make an important appointment is something they value. Fortunately, alarm clocks for the hearing impaired or deaf are available.

A previous article: The Best Alarm Clocks for the Hearing Impaired – Compared discusses common features of these clocks. It explains why it is difficult to compare different brands because of confusing terminologies used by different manufacturers.

Gifts for the Hearing Impaired – Common Alarm Clock Features

  • Digital display
  • Corded electric
  • Vibrating alarm
  • Dual alarms
  • 3 wake up modes – alarm, vibration or both
  • A vibrator or bed shaker that can be put under the pillow or mattress depending on the length of the cord
  • 5-level or progressive dimmer
  • 12-24 Hour format
  • Daylight Savings Time

Because information provided by manufacturers is inconsistent especially about product dimension vs parcel dimension and measurement metrics, an initial comparison of any two products can be misleading. This article highlights key similar and dissimilar features for each alarm clock.

ROXICOSLY Loud Vibrating Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers, Digital Clock with Bed Shaker for Hearing Impaired & Deaf

NameROXICOSLY Loud Vibrating Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers with Bed Shaker for Hearing Impaired & Deaf
Color4 colors for the hearing impaired – Blue, Blue Pro, White, and White Digits
ShapeRectangular, 7.5″ LED
MountingPlug in Table top clock
Dimensions 9.4 x 9.4 x2.79″ (note: in inches)
Weight (gm)154.22 g
Power Corded Electrical; 2- AAA batteries required – Not included
Special FeaturesPlug in Clock with Battery Backup and USB Charger, 4 volume levels, Snooze is 9 minutes; 2 back holders to avoid the desk clock from falling down. 18 months Warranty
ROXICOSLY Extra Loud Vibrating Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers, Alarm Clock with Bed Shaker for Deaf – Good Gifts for Hearing Impaired Seniors

SONIC BOMB Dual Alarm Clock with Bed Shaker for Heavy Sleepers, Visually Impaired or Deaf

NameSONIC BOMB Dual Alarm Clock with Bed Shaker
Color4 colors for the hearing impaired – Blue, Black, Red and Pink
MountingTable Top
Dimensions Not provided
Weight (gm)712 g
Power Corded Electrical with battery backup; Batteries not required
Special Features12V Bed Shaker; Super Loud Alarm of 113dB and flashing lights; Snooze is 1-30minutes; Sturdy Vibrator cord; Sonic Alert; 1 year Warranty
Sonic Bomb Dual Alarm Clock with Bed Shaker for Heavy Sleepers, Visually Impaired or Deaf

MESQUOOL Extra Loud Vibrating Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers, with Bed Shaker for Deaf & Hearing Impaired Seniors

NameMESQUOOL Extra Loud Vibrating Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers, with Bed Shaker for Deaf – Good Gifts for Hearing Impaired Seniors
Color4 colors for the hearing impaired – Blue, Blue Pro, White, and White Digits
ShapeRectangular, 7″ LED
MountingPlug in
Dimensions 10.16 x 3.81 x 2.54″ (note: in inches)
Weight (gm)197 g
Power Corded Electrical; 2- AAA batteries required – Not included
Special FeaturesUSB charging Port and Plug; Power cord is slightly above 6′. Snooze is 9 minutes; Sturdy Vibrator cord; 18 months Warranty
MESQUOOL Extra Loud Vibrating Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers, Alarm Clock with Bed Shaker

ROCAM Extra Loud Alarm Clock with Bed Shaker – Vibrating Dual Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers, Hard of Hearing, Deaf

NameROCAM Extra Loud Alarm Clock with Bed Shaker for Heavy Sleepers, Hard of Hearing & Deaf
ColorBlack with Blue, Multil or White display
DisplayRectangular, 7.5″ LED
MountingTable top
Dimensions ‎17.2 x 3 x 8.28 cm (note: in cm)
Weight 420 gm
Power2 AAA batteries – not included; Electrical
Special FeaturesSuper loud alarm clock has 4-level adjustable volume (up to 110dB); Snooze, Alarm Off/ Pause; Dual Alarm Clock & USB Port & Battery Backup; Digital Clock has Full Range Dimmer ; 2 pivots at the bottom to enhance the balance of the product; the back plane is a non-slip design; Snooze is 9 minutes
ROCAM Extra Loud Alarm Clock with Bed Shaker 7.5″ Large LED Display r Vibrating Dual Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers, Hard of Hearing, Deaf

BELLMAN & SYMFON Vibio Bluetooth Wireless Bed Shaker – Vibrating Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers & Deaf

NameBELLMAN & SYMFON Vibio Bluetooth Wireless Bed Shaker – Vibrating Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers & Deaf
Shape / DisplayRound / Digital
MountingFree standing
Dimensions (cm)9.4W x 2.8H (note: in cm)
Weight (gm)154.22 gm
Power2 AA batteries – not included;
Special FeaturesSilent Alarm Clock with 2 Powerful Vibration Strengths – Soft, Medium and Strong. Vibio is a great heavy sleeper alarm clock that wakes you up in a silent way. Vibration Alarm for Cell Phone Calls and Messages; Connects to cell phone via Bluetooth. Vibio can also alert with LED lights when there are incoming calls or text messages. Multiple Alarm Settings; Rechargeable and long lasting power – It takes 1.5 hours to fully charge and it can last up to 10 days.
Bellman & Symfon Vibio Bluetooth Wireless Bed Shaker | Wake Up Alarms, Vibrating Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers, Deaf Alarm Clock

Novelty Books – Great Gifts for the Hearing Impaired

A most highly rated novelty book package with a story line that resonates with the hearing impaired. The 7 – volume series follows the life of a girl who cannot hear and the boy who bullied her. Check it out

A Silent Voice Complete Series Box Set

Smoke Detector Fire Alarm

LIFETONE HLAC151 Bedside Fire Alarm & Clock with Bed Shaker – Sound, Light & Vibrating Alert in Case of Fire – for Hearing Impaired Seniors or Deep Sleepers

LIFETONE HLAC151 Bedside Fire Alarm & Clock with Bed Shaker - Sound, Light & Vibrating Alert in Case of Fire - for Hard of Hearing or Deep Sleepers

No installation or wiring required. Just plug in. This smoke detector fire alarm uses patented monitoring technology to actively listen for the high-frequency sound of your regular installed smoke alarm.

The system alerts when T3 smoke alarms are activated in the home and require existing smoke alarms that have a T3 alarm pattern. for existing smoke alarms. Has audio, visual and vibration (bed shaker) alerts.

Pricey, but well worth the functionality and safety!

Home Phones and Cell Phones

Check the articles below for a selection of Home and Cell Phones that are specific to the hearing impaired

Conclusion – Gifts for Hearing Impaired Seniors

There are a handful of lifestyle enhancing gifts for the hearing impaired. This guide presents products from 7 gift categories. Reviewing them cuts down the time it takes to make a decision about which product to buy, and may even give you ideas about others.

If you found value in this article, kindly leave us a comment below.


American Foundation for the Blind. Technology Resources for People with Vision Loss

Microsoft News (2019) 7 smart tech developments for people who are blind or have low vision

6 thoughts on “Gifts For The Hearing Impaired – What You Need To Consider”

  1. These are great birthday gift options for the hearing impaired, especially since they are water-resistant. Thank you for this great article and I wish you good health. 🙂

  2. Hi Ceci,
    Thank you for your article Gifts For The Hearing Impaired. I personally would not have thought about these gifts. And I am sure that people with hearing impairments would welcome such gifts to make an improvement in their daily lives. You have saved us quite a bit of research by bringing all these gift ideas together in one article. I have some relatives who will benefit from these gifts!
    Again, thank you!

  3. I had no idea about all these gadgets. I like the alarm clocks that shake the bed. I wonder how loud the alarm clocks for the hearing impaired and deaf are, they must be super loud…

    Many years ago I had a roomate who never ever heard her alarm clock and it would ring for more than an hour, and although I was in another room, I heard it loud and clear, it always drove me nuts, especially on my days off and I wanted to have a lie in. 😉

    • Yes, these alarm clocks for the hearing impaired are super loud. They are also very good for those who have difficulty waking up with regular alarm clocks. The bed shakers are helpful for those who do not like the loud noise or couples who the loud noise may disturb one partner.



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