Poor Balance in Seniors – Why Oh Why?

Poor Balance in Seniors

Poor balance in seniors and the elderly is associated with an increased risk of debilitating falls. As we age, due to weakening of our muscles and reduced bone density, we lose physical strength and may experience various forms of deterioration in our sense of balance. These changes increase our risks of falling. What causes loss …

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Tired Vs Fatigue – Do Seniors Know Which One?

Sleeping Senior Man at a Table with Honey Jars - Tired vs Fatigue

Many use the terminologies tired vs fatigue interchangeably, but do they mean the same thing? Increasingly more so, as a senior, you hear of the terms “being tired”, “fatigued”, “exhausted” or “lethargic”? Many wonder at the distinctions between them and whether there are differences. As you age, your energy levels and endurance gradually decrease, and …

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The Causes of Osteoporosis – My Risks

Red fragile sign

Most seniors wonder at the causes of osteoporosis and typically ask “what are my risks?” This is because bones can very quietly deteriorate over several years, by a silent killer known as osteoporosis, without noticeable signs or symptoms. Until they break a bone, many affected senior citizens have no idea that they have osteoporosis. By …

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Arthritis and Insomnia – A Sure Recipe for Senior Falls

Woman sleeping face down on a bed

Arthritis and insomnia are a dangerous combination and generally go hand-in-hand like Siamese twins. If you have arthritis, you probably find that you have difficulty going to sleep. How can you go to sleep anyway when you are experiencing a throbbing or aching pain in your joints? The tossing and turning all night long prevents …

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The Immune System and Aging – In Simple Language

A rich array of different fruits and fruit juices - How to Calm an Overactive Bladder

To understand the immune system and aging requires a bit of knowledge about the immune system and its normal functioning. The immune system protects the body from harmful or foreign objects It is the body’s very own “military brigade” with front-line soldiers, generals, and the rear calvary! These include bacteria, viruses, fungi, cancer cells and …

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Eye Health in Seniors – What to Expect in Aging Eyes

Reading glasses placed on top of a newspaper - Changes in the Body With Age

Eye health in seniors is important as normal age related eye changes can weaken vision. Aging is a natural part of life, but as you age, your vision can gradually change in surprising ways, from needing stronger glasses to facing more serious conditions like cataracts or glaucoma or macular degeneration. Understanding what’s normal and what’s …

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How Aging Affects Vision – Best Foods for Aging Eyes

Laser directed at an eye during examination - How to Maintain Independence

Good lifestyle habits and good nutrition can help delay how aging affects vision and prevent the onset of certain eye problems. As you grow older and enter your senior years, knowing what to expect and when it is necessary to seek professional assistance can help you to seek professional care and provide preventative measures to …

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